I was born on the 13th of July 1953. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved to draw…
As a child, a little disappointed with the apartment I am living in, I draw some others, bigger, much more exuberant, and then houses and then imaginary territories…
On June 1979, I get my diploma of Architect after seven years of studies including one sabbatical, at Superior School of Fine Arts in Paris. Seven fundamental years which give me beyond the architectural study, a view and openness to the artistic world. After graduating, unwilling at that time to work for an architectural firm, with a lack of financial means to open my own one, I decide to start as freelancer.
At that time, illustration is much in demand, even more than photography, in many medias. I partner with a friend to design posters, magazines and books covers, album jacket etc. We work together, sharing orders as well as our first experiences of production design until 1983 date on which we decide to pursue our respective careers separately.
These first years of the 80’s will be decisive for my career. My brother Didier evolves in the theatre and film world and opens doors for me. I sign the poster of his first theatre play. I do my first steps as decorator for theatre and then for films. In the year 1982, I do my first movie as production designer for the mythical Luc Besson’s “The Last Battle”.
This experience makes me resolutely abandon the idea of a career as an architect, the creation of decor fulfils my desire of imaginary and my training gives me all the tools necessary to flourish there. Beyond its accuracy, I always seek that the decor expresses something particular, in essence it is always to my mind an essential element of the dramaturgy. In this research, the stage of drawing and illustration is always fundamental to find its atmosphere, its photogenic and the emotion it can release.
If I still have the same pleasure in designing the spaces specific to each project, I recently decided to produce my own images. Two very first series allow me to express orders and disorders, derision and unreason through the photomontage, the pretence, the imitation of the real.
This work has been exhibited at the Galerie Marie-Claude Duchosal in Paris, it will give rise to other exhibitions and certainly to the edition of an album.